The Simple Kingdom

Keep the focus on Jesus.

Simple Kingdom exists to bring people to Jesus through the teaching of Scripture. Initially starting with in home Bible studies, our goal is to plant a church and reach Harrisburg, PA. The 3 core values of our church derive straight from Scripture and can be viewed below

Our Core Values

We learn to love God and live our lives according to what He has given us through scripture. We see the example of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness and how he quoted scripture continually. He patterned his life on The Word and we desire to follow in those principals that he set before us.

Jesus had compassion rooted in Biblical truth. We strive to love people as Jesus loved the world. As we study and learn we’re able to look at our communities with a compassionate heart rooted in truth.

Jesus picked unqualified people to change the world. Through conforming our lives to Christ, biblical teaching, and continued fellowship, we can change our community and the world for Christ.

Matthew 22:37-40 & Deuteronomy 6:4

Christ establishes the church.
The church prepares the saints.
The saints impact their world.

View our doctrinal statement here.